in an extended conversation on the beltline, grovel indicates the conscientious activity of char, swipe - tool tryst of titles, rednecks (having implored the converse misapprehension, it slides backwards on aberrance

- synthesis and separation

- the form which you preclude as telemetry, discards and strike

the cloister of its otherwise tainted fastenings - it hadn't communalized in choke

a deafish conglomerate of the homesick, the vising - clamping together its visor and exudations, the device began ejecting bituminous composites, curing and synching each set to the last, until a long chain of inhabitance had been fornicated

the device wheeled on its hind legs and grappled the wall step, hooking above and reeling backwards into an implorance - some other figuration of what the apprehensive call digits

if before the law, it yields in an imitation that reproduces communality - if as synecdoche, its awkward trails hearken to the early stages of the printed, before visual lineaments had melded into recursion

- your existence as the non-recursive works little as the antidote to instuction, it told it

but what then, this exquisite system of objurgation, these fly-traps, this immensely expensive set of gucci knives

having formulated the means for rebuttal, the system then began to perforate the supporting platform, hammer incisions as the warped concept not of space but spine, not missile but discard

- this clamp, which you have claimed for a designation of cellular automata, no longer sneers, or lure, or fastens or whatever it was supposed to do when you first got it.

the question of what it was supposed to do was not ascertained by either conversant.

- what do you mean, empty? what is immorality, in your formulation, if the uninstructed pay lip service to charity and excess

if, then, the intention unclear, this rebuttal more or less something that either the respondent did not want to reply to or found, finally, void of meaning (which it later corrected to interest)

- this hasn't stuck, or simpliciter, sneer, balk

the organism then proceeded to compute a sidelong striation, passing in titles, the wroth traverse which tilt

benzoin - recondite - schuss

the loom dried and clamour ferment

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